You pump A LOT more than just Iron.
You get more roots than a rain forest, and you can't go more than 4 months in a relationship without getting itchy feet.
Doesn't sound like you?
FINE- I bet you've got THAT friend in mind who meets the criteria.
You can't blame the iron for much- but when it comes to chasing girls, and even being unfaithful in relationships, the squat rack may just be what you can pin on.
Testosterone is a God send from heaven.
A steroid hormone and a powerful substance with anabolic effect that helps us stay jacked, shredded (1) and healthy (2), while also driving us to go on the hunt for a female partner.
The more testosterone we have, the stronger we can be and the muscle recovery period will increase (2a)- which explains why increasing it naturally is a good idea.
We all know that lifting weights certainly increases testosterone (3) and for many of us- the desire for sex becomes stronger.
If you're wondering why you or other gym junkies always end up straying like a lost dog- consider that men who produce LESS testosterone are more likely to be in a relationship (4) and even married ! (5)
And the research goes a little deeper.
Men with higher levels of testosterone are prone to divorce, and cheat on their wives. (NOT ALL) (5)
So pump the iron long enough- and there's a chance your eyes will start wandering quickly.
But-This isn't expected to happen immediately, with falling in love, marriage or commitment responsible for a drastic drop in testosterone levels (6).
However, there is an increase in the amount of testosterone generated when we go through periods of lots of sex (7) and interestingly- having sex with strangers or multiple women generates a large increase of testosterone the morning after (8).
No sex? No stress.
Testosterone levels have bee found to be HIGHER in young males, after "brief social encounters with potential mating partners". (8b).
The boost in testosterone was found to be correlated with how the young men ranked the girls as possible "romantic partners."
So, for whatever reason- you're not having much sex.
So, what about masturbation?
The benefits are there too- with orgasms from BOTH male and female subjects resulting in an increase in testosterone levels (9,10).
So, if there's no sex- take the next best.
Gym goer aside- I can safely assure you that there's not a man in the world who hasn't had a little look at what the world wide web has to offer in terms of porn.
So, how does porn influence your T levels?
According to some data on this topic (11), dudes who watch porn can enjoy an average increase in testosterone level of 35%- apparently peaking at 60-90 minutes after the video has ended.
Now-in all seriousness- a pornography addiction is not something that you want to acquire at all. - but it's interesting to note that further research concludes increased optimism and decreased exhaustion in men who watch it (12).
Just sayin'.
Well- at least you know WHY weight lifting can cause you to be unfaithful, and how other sexual activities can naturally boost your testosterone levels.
Just as the Iron has taken our fear, anger, guilt and just about every other emotions we've forced upon it over the years, I bet it'd be willing to take the blame too.
TO CLARIFY THINGS, I don't intend to imply anything or to instill any ill behaviours among readers, but FACTS are still FACTS in the end of the day. I have a whole list of references listed below so guys are able to do your own 'research'.
Two principles that are able to aid in making this post beneficial is SELF-CONTROL and MODERATION.
(1) Mooradian AD, Morley JE, Korenman SG (February 1987). “Biological actions of androgens”. Endocr. Rev. 8 (1): 1–28.
(2) Bassil N, Alkaade S, Morley JE (June 2009). “The benefits and risks of testosterone replacement therapy: a review”. Ther Clin Risk Manag 5 (3): 427–48.
(2a) (13) Borst SE, Mulligan T. “Testosterone replacement therapy for older men.” Clin Interv Aging. 2007 December; 2(4): 561–566.
(3) Craig BW, Brown R, Everhart J. Effects of progressive resistance training on growth hormone and testosterone levels in young and elderly subjects. Mech Ageing Dev. 1989 Aug;49(2):159-69.
(4) van Anders SM, Watson NV (July 2006). “Relationship status and testosterone in North American heterosexual and non-heterosexual men and women: cross-sectional and longitudinal data”. Psychoneuroendocrinology 31 (6): 715–2
(5) Booth A, Dabbs JM (1993) “Testosterone and Men’s Marriages.” Social Forces 72 (2): 463-477.
(6) Torjesen PA, Sandnes L (March 2004). “Serum testosterone in women as measured by an automated immunoassay and a RIA”. Clin. Chem. 50 (3): 678; author reply 678–9.
(7) Kraemer HC, Becker HB, Brodie HK, Doering CH, Moos RH, Hamburg DA (March 1976). “Orgasmic frequency and plasma testosterone levels in normal human males”. Arch Sex Behav 5 (2): 125–32.
(8) Hirschenhauser K, Frigerio D, Grammer K, Magnusson MS (September 2002). “Monthly patterns of testosterone and behavior in prospective fathers”. Horm Behav 42 (2): 172–81.
(8b) Roney JR, Mahler SV, Maestripieri D (2003). “Behavioral and hormonal responses of men to brief interactions with women”. Evolution and Human Behavior 24 (6): 365–375.
(9) Exton MS, Bindert A, Krüger T, Scheller F, Hartmann U, Schedlowski M (1999). “Cardiovascular and endocrine alterations after masturbation-induced orgasm in women”. Psychosom Med 61 (3): 280–9.
(10) Purvis K, Landgren BM, Cekan Z, Diczfalusy E (September 1976). “Endocrine effects of masturbation in men”. J. Endocrinol. 70 (3): 439–44.
(11) Pirke KM, Kockott G, Dittmar F (November 1974). “Psychosexual stimulation and plasma testosterone in man”. Arch Sex Behav 3 (6): 577–84.
(12) Hellhammer DH, Hubert W, Schürmeyer T (1985). “Changes in saliva testosterone after psychological stimulation in men”. Psychoneuroendocrinology 10 (1): 77–81.
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