Saturday, November 30, 2013

Gentlemen's Guide To Picking Up Girls At The Gym

If you utilized properly, the gym is regarded as one of the finest hunting grounds with godly specimen for the well prepared man. There exists a plethora of opportunities and an instantaneous common ground, "You like working out ? Me too! Sex?". Keep in mind that you 'll need to be on your A-game on that day when you're trying to pick up women at the gym. It often has a higher level of difficulty then your typical 2 a.m drunken hornswoggle, however the results can be far more rewarding and satisfying.

But personally for me, the GYM is a sacred training ground and I don't really have the urge to start a conversation with anyone, basically it's just a Hi-Bye conversation. So, I just wanna enter the gym, have a great PUMP and come out swole.

Location, Location, Location 

The location of the facility is of the utmost importance. It is interesting to note that higher income areas with lots of young professionals tend to have the hottest chicks. Areas near college campuses are also good for locating scattered ass. Get the inside scoop on where the hired guns workout. Often time's, corporate gyms will have discount membership agreements with local talent pools such as professional cheerleading or volleyball squads. Timing is of great importance as well. at any gym there are two primary timeframes you are looking to hit. The right after work crowd, and whenever yoga classes end. ;)

The 7 Commandments Of Gym Pickup 

1. Thou Shall not target the obnoxious attention girls

You will find this wild specimen strategically positioned on the Stairmaster, rhythmically climbing ever so seductively. Decked out in skin tight yoga pants, perfume, and makeup, more often than not she also has a magnificent ass to go with. These kind of girls are expecting direct solicitations, and in fact relish the shoot down. Counter-intuitively, it's often the more reserved, conservatively dresses girls who will crumble under the onslaught of a talented professional. It is a myth that only the skanks are DTF. Good girls will jumo into the sack just as fast with the right dude doing it right. Eventually, you will notice that all the real dimes go to the gym incognito to avoid the extra attention anyway.

2. Thou shall make your workout, not the girl, your priority in the GYM

Women do not want to be the center of a man's existence. They in fact want to subordinate themselves to a worthy man's life purpose, to help him achieve that purpose with their support, and to follow the path he lays out or even better, create their own path. The gym is a microcosm of this theory in action. Make it clear that you are there to get your PUMP on, and get out as soon as possible Any coincidental conversation is merely that, pleasant coincidence.

A note on group exercise classes:
Don't go to the yoga class if you have no interest in yoga. Go to yoga class because you have the intention to improve your flexibility, strength, and balance. Don't be embarrassed to go to yoga class. If a girl call you out on this, explain to her that you are, "Practicing yoga to improve my flexibility, strength, and balance. So I can experiment with a broader range of sexual positions."

3. Thou Shall be irrationally self-confident

No matter what's your current situation, roll without apology or excuses. Women have an animal instinct for uncovering weakness and insecurity in men; don't make it easy for them. Self-confidence, warranted or not, riggers submissive emotional responses in women. Irrational self-confidence will get you laid more than rational defeatism. It does not matter if you are not the best option in the gym; what matters is that you think and act like you are.

4. Thou Shall not overgame

The gym can be a tricky operating environment. If you do plan on going back with your reputation intact, be careful of being overly bold or obnoxious. If there is question, always err on the side of too much boldness, rather than too little. Don't let a woman's false indignation at your boldness sway you; they secretly love it when a man aggressively pursues what he wants and makes his sexual intentions known. For a hostile environment like the gym, we recommend first establishing a mutual interest with some light conersation before turning on the sexually suggestive afterburners.

5. Thou Shall be prepared to lead the interaction

It is a careful balance between being natural, and having a plan in mind. The ultimate goal of a gym pick up is to get the number. Tell her what you two are doing, and don't wait for her decision-making abilities to kick in. A guy who leads a girl everywhere and all the time prevents her from rethinking her desire to sleep with him.  Once you establish mutual attraction, get the number, set a plan and get the fuck out of the gym.

6. Thou Shall be sociable with everybody

You are far more likely to open conversations successfully if you are observed as a generally friendly man. Talk to everybody and do not dissuade other women from flirting from you. It will be far less difficult to start a conversation with an attractive women if you are already in a talkative mode. Women will neer admit this but sometimes jealousy excite them. No girl wants a man that no other woman wants.

7. Thou Shall not lie to yourself

"Dude I'm here to lift, not to creep on girls. That shit is nothing but a distraction."

This statement might hold up if you were a professional bodybuilder, actively training for compwtition. Everyone goes to the gym for their own personal reasons, but the gym may not be a monastery. You are not "harassing" anyone by striking up a quick conversation before or after your workout. The gym is a public arena, it's a place of gathering for like-minded gym goers and also a damn fine place for meeting attractive members of the opposite sex who likely to share similar interests. But I'm already in a relationship, so I go to the gym just to lift heavy things and get out ASAP.

Do's and Don'ts...


  • Be the male version of our “Obnoxious Attention Whore”. Trust me, no matter how impressive your 600 lb. deadlift is to your buddies, girls don’t give a shit. Weight room showmanship is very similar to elaborate facial hair in this regard.
  • Look for stuff to do in ”the girl’s area of the gym.”  You better have a game plan if you want to hang around the ellipticals and not look like Buffalo Bill.
  • Stare at girls, especially through the mirror.
  • Gel your hair.

  • Give a sincere compliment if you notice a lady doing something genuinely impressive such as unassisted pull-ups or heavy squats.
  • Take a yoga class.  Girls fucking love yoga. Buy a RM 20 mat and thank your gym for holding classes because you just got laid 5 times in the last 3 weeks by some flexible ladies.
  • Not be afraid to wear skintight spandex pants, they are functional, comfortable, and make your package look great.  It is a bullshit double standard that only girls and Ronnie Coleman can wear them.

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