Understand The Need And Use Of Essential Fats
A variety of foods can provide the essential fatty acids that our body craves and need for optimal functioning. Knowledge is power. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) serve crucial functions in growth and development. EFAs are fatty acids that human must ingest because we can only obtain them through diet as our body cannot synthesis them.
Bodybuilders often have the mistaken belief that must take their diets to extreme to take their physique to extremes. So, the belief of eating fat = gaining fat resulted in the creation of zero-fat diet and it was thought to be the ideal way to rip up. When that was found to be unsuccessful, most bodybuilders learned that this extreme diet philosophies leads to success in creating their ideal physique.
Whether you want to reduce your bodyfat or increase muscle mass, the dietary fat strategy to pursue is somewhere in the extreme of zero- fat and high-fat, which is moderate intake of dietary fat. A moderate intake of fats can aid in building muscles and in most cases, trim you down. In general, the idea ratio of fats intake from your total calories is about 20% , emphasizing the healthy sources listed below.
#1 Whole Eggs

A single york contains 6g of fat ( half is saturated), so eating 6-8 yorks daily would yield too much saturated fat. The solution is to reduce, not eliminate, moderation is the key.
For every 5-6 egg whites you eat, add one york, not excedding 3 daily. 6 whites and 1 york contains 24g of protein and 6g of fat.
#2 Salmon
Salmon is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids:
- replace the lost of glutamine , thereby supporting the immune system and indirectly, growth.
- fight muscle inflammation and lead to enhanced glycogen storage.
- retention of muscles during dieting phase.
6 ounces of salmon provide approximately 34 g of protein and 12 g of fat. The amount of fat seems a lot, but much of it are use for beneficial purposes. If your bodyfat increase, you might wanna increase your cardio rather then reducing healthy fats.
#3 Red Meat
In the process of reducing calories intake, by omitting too much fat might compromise your testosterone levels. In simple terms, when you cut too much dietary fats, and especially when also cutting carbs or total calories intake, your testosterone level will significantly drop. When that occurs, you can bid farewell to your muscles.
Red meat contains conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ), a special fat that :
- support testosterone levels
- enable usage of fat stores as energy sources
- promote protein synthesis and muscles growth.
6 ounces of lean cut of red meat provides 32 g of protein and 9-14 g of fat. Daily consumption of 2 portions of red meat for mass seekers and even dieters are recommended provided they do not consume more calories than their daily target.
#4 Low- Fat Cheese

Low-fat cheese contains :
- Anabolism-promoting peptides
- Calciums
- Calcitriol - aid in fat burning
- Other vitamins and minerals
Other Sources Of Essential Fats
Fish Options:
Anchovies ( Ikan Bilis )
Vegetable & Fruit Options:
Chinese Cabbage
Brussels Sprouts
Oil Options:
Coconut Oil
Oilve Oil
Flax Seed Oil
Seafood Options:
Legumes Options:
Kidney Beans
Seed And Nuts Options:
Pumpkin Seeds
The Bottom Line
The basics for muscles growth and keeping body fat within reason are controlling calories and proper provision of nutrients- and it is not totally eliminating one macro-nutrient. This is because Moderation is the key to building the ideal physique.
If you want want to provide your body with all it needs to stay anabolic, while keeping the bodyfat in check, you should make certain you're taking in the proper balance of all the fatty foods you need.
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