Sunday, July 14, 2013

Bulking Meals: The Mad Scientist

Monster Mass: Build The Perfect Beast With This Maniacal Nutrition And Supplement Formula 

A lot of us have made mistakes in the process of gaining mass, even me, and while some of us have gotten results out of spite, not because what we did was optimal, some of us have just flat out tried everything and are still scratching our head in confusion.

I don't have a personal trainer / dietitian giving me instructions 24/7 on what or when to eat. Having a  personal trainer / dietitian definitely gives you the upper hand in achieving your goals in the shortest period ever. But take note, this is one of those journey in life that you have to embark on your own and you must learn how to make healthy choices, estimating portion size (unless you wanna bring a freaking weighing scale around) and creating that monster mass meal plan you always wanted.

The Mad Scientist 

Whether you take on these experiments piece by piece to build your personalized formula for growth or use the guidelines set out in the " Monster Mass Eight-Week Plan, " the changes will aid you in avoiding the horrors associated with working you ass off in the gym but bearing no fruits for it.

There's no 30% gym 70% diet if you truly want to step up your game. Remember this, it's always and forever 100% gym 100% diet.

Nutrition can either make or break you, and it's often the difference between living your bodybuilding dreams and watching those dreams turn to a nightmarish skin-and-bones reality. Like those monsters who lift heavy-ass weights in the gym, you, too can scare up additional muscle mass, but only if you're ready and willing to fight for it every step of the way.

Monster Mass Supplement Regimen

Growth of enormous proportions can be achieved solely with food alone, but you can make your journey easier with the help of supplements. The list below are some of my basics to help lay the foundation for extreme growth.

Protein Shakes

These provide one of the easiest ways to assist your muscle building program and undoubtedly the fundamental supplement in anyone's supplement regime. It can be challenging (and expensive) for you to get in all the protein you need from whole-food protein sources, especially you have classes and assignments that fucked up your eating schedule.

To supplement my whole-food intake, I will drink up to three protein shakes a day, pre- and postworkout and before bed are crucial times to reply on a protein-powder concoction.

Gaspari Myofusion (Chocolate)- Taste like shit !!
Dymatize Elite Whey (Chocolate)- Still manageable. Low in carbs.
BSN Syntha 6 (Vanilla Ice-cream)- Taste awesome ! But kinda high in carbs.

Down a protein shake 25g of whey protein before workout and then 50g of whey protein for your post-workout. Before bed ( around 30 mins to 1 hour ), use a product that has about 25g of casein protein.

Creatine Monohydrates

This supplement boasts numerous benefits for health, recovery and muscle building. When taken before workout, it helps to drive nutrients and fluids into your muscles, helping you to lift more weight or get some extra reps. Ultimately, this effect helps build more strength and muscle mass.

Note: I'm using Universal Creatine

Take 3-5g of creatine monohydrate before and after my workouts, for up to 10g per day. But if it's your first time taking, you should take around 15g daily for the first week and 10g for the consecutive weeks.


The most prevalent amino acid in the body, glutamine promotes a healthy immune system response for better recovery from training. It also enhances digestion and protects muscle mass from breaking down during intense lifting sessions, which is likely to occur when your body perceives a glutamine shortage.

Note: I'm using Universal Glutamine

Take 5g of glutamine first thing in the morning, before and after training, and before bed. Now, I don't usually take in the morning and before bed but Before and After training is very important, so don't forget !!


The branched-chain amino acids are Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. These vital aminos not only specifically support muscle growth, but they also help maintain muscle mass during dieting phase.

Note: I'm consuming Dymatize BCAAs in capsule form. There's BCAAs in powder form but I just don't like it that way.

Take 3 capsules before breakfast, before and after workout, before bed. If you are taking the powder, take 5-10g of BCAAs at the period mentioned earlier.

Multivitamin/ Multimineral pack or pill

Think of these as insurance policies the demands of a bodybuilding lifestyle can cause shortage in specific vitamins or minerals. A good multi-vit will contain vitaminsC,D and E,as well as a range of vitamin Bs and other minerals

Note: I used to take GNC Mega Man in capsule form ( unavailable in Malaysia except in powder form ) during my bulking period. Currently, I'm using Vitalite Multivitamin.

Take a multivitamin once or twice a day with food, usually I will take it after breakfast. Look for brands that provide 100%of the daily value of C,D,E, most Bs, Zinc, Copper and Chromium.

Monster Mass Meal Plan 

Meal 1 (Breakfast):

  • 1 cup of oatmeal with protein powder or 2-4 wholemeal bread with cheese
  • 2 whole Omega-3 eggs with 6 white ( half /hard-boiled or scramble)
  • 2-3 slices of Chicken ham
7 scramble eggs + protein oat meal

7 half-boiled eggs

7 eggs + wholemeal bread baked with cheese

Full-cream milk + baked beans with egg +wholemeal bread

Meal 2 (Snack):

  • 2 ounces of nuts (your choice) 
  • fresh fruits ( I usually take banana or apple, try to avoid high GI fruits ) 
  • 25 g of whey protein

    Meal 3 (Lunch): 
    • chicken / fish / pork / beef 
    • brown rice 
    • vegetables ( stir-fried,salad or steamed vegetables)

    2 rice with half chicken ( Nandos )
    Purple cabbage + fish

    Meal 4 (Preworkout):
    • 25 g of whey protein
    • 50g of Carbs ( approximately half Low GI and half High GI)
    • Ham or any other protein sources, be creative !! (optional)

    Baked sweet potato
    Brocolli + Fish

    • 3 spoons of manuka honey + half Lemon + Water ( drink it slowly 30 mins into your workout)

    Meal 5 (Postworkout):
    • 50 g of whey protein
    • 50g of High GI carbs

    I will eat 4 of these after my workouts :D

    Meal 6 (Dinner):

    • chicken / fish / pork / beef 
    • brown rice 
    • vegetables ( stir-fried,salad or steamed vegetables)

    A lot of fish + vege

    Fish + egg + minced pork + vege

    Meal 7 (Supper):
    • yogurt 
    • 2 ounces of nuts ( it's almonds, cashew nuts for me )
    • Keropok Keping ( no oil, just microwave it for 40-50 secs)- Optional 

    Keropok Keping - TASTE AWESOME EVEN W/O OIL

    Meal 8 (Bed): 
    • 25g of casein protein shake

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