Friday, June 28, 2013

Do Girls really give a SHIT about muscles ?

Do Girls really give a SHIT about muscles ?

Most of the average joes start lifting weights because they think that getting shredded and jacked will hlp them get laid.

After a while, it starts to become more important to impress other guys in the weight room. Imagine yourself lifting the heaviest weight in the gym and all eyes are on you. It will be a tremendous boost to your ego and after a while you will be working your ego and not the weight.

Finally, the enlightened individuals who sticks around, are the ones who will eventually come to the realization that the only good reason to lift weights is for yourself. This is because nobody gonna give a fuck about your determine or passionate you are, they are only focusing on the end product of your body. Make yourself as your own motivation and you will never be demotivated because after all you are doing it for yourself because you love lifting heavy-ass weights.

Enlightenment aside, the QUESTION is still debatable, are girls attracted to muscular physique? More specifically, are the girls you actually want to be with attracted to muscle.

There is certainly no true scientific answer to this question because it depends on each individual preferences; human sexuality is far too variable.

Women are attracted to different things, at different stages of their life, at different times of the month. Generally women prefer dominant male, and there is certainly something to be said about extremely muscular physiques triggering primal emotions of dominance in women.

In most of the cases, a significant improvement in your physique will result in increased success in women. But, this statement is not always true with everybody because, in my experience, there is actually a threshold of muscularity that can result in reverse prejudice and negative stereotyping by the opposite sex.
Lack of depth, lack of intelligence, simple mindedness, aggressiveness, insecurity, and narcissism are all perceived traits that bodybuilders must now overcome. Unfortunately, most women doesnt recognize that the fact an impressive physique is not build in a day with steroids as Rome is not build in a day too. Many are ignorant that a bodybuilder is by definition a hard worker, relentless experimenter and enthusiastic researcher. The true attributes on display are goal setting, discipline, determination and follow through.

The Reverse Meathead Effect

The very fact that there's a negative stereotyping exist leaves the muscle man with a golden opportunity to prove women who were stereotyping were wrong.

Overcome the initial negative impression, and you will win women's heart. There is nothing women love more than the classic archetype of the battle hardened brute with a heart of gold.

It all comes back to the mundane answer you have heard gezillion of times before, personality is the most significant factor in regards to getting laid. Becoming incredibly fit and muscular is not the magic potion most guys expect it to be. The actual truth is the confidence gained by your achievements in the gym may have a greater impact on your cockmanship than your actual physique.

Most women dont notice as much as you think

Hot chicks like a man with a great body, but what guys failed to recognize is the fact that the ladies don't analyze men's bodies with the same competitive eye that guys have when guys are comparing with one another. it tends to be an overall judgement, as opposed to guys who can fall in love with a nice-round ass or spectacular set of bouncing tits.

Many guys are disappointed at the fact that women are unable to differentiate the difference between an average body type and an athletically trained body type until you are in an intimate setting with your shirt off.

One thing's certain, when she "accidentally" feel your abs through your shirt and gives you the look, you know you have nailed it pretty good.

What male body parts do girls find attractive

Not surprisingly, when women are polled they most often respond with the beach muscles; arms, abs, and chest. A large number of women also seem to like a man with a great ass. The problem is people’s behavior in real if life is not dictated by how they respond to polls and questionnaires. The truth is, overall factors play a far more important role in determining attraction than individual body parts. Attributes that convey strength and masculinity such as height and shoulder width are what really flip the right evolutionary switches. Can’t forget the much lusted after abdominal V-Taper, they love that shit too.


Lifting weights will not magically transform you into a golden Adonis with women crawling at your feet, but if that's the only reason you are lifting weights then you are fucked anyway. So, lift to improve yourself and not to please anybody else except yourself.

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